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It is the student's responsibility to initiate a refund. Refund claims can be made through the Business Office where the refunds are processed. Two business days should be allowed for processing. The refund schedule is shown below. The date that is on the drop or withdrawal form is the date that is used to determine the amount of the refund. Failure to attend does not constitute official withdrawal. No refund is available for non-credit courses unless the class is cancelled.

UA Rich Mountain gives a 100% refund to students who drop by the 10th class day of the regular fall and spring semesters, the 4th day of a summer semester, or the 4th day of off-schedule courses. (An off-schedule course is any course that starts before or after the 1st official day of the term.) After these days, no refund is available. Class days are counted from the 1st official day of the term, excluding weekends and holidays. (For example, if classes began on a Tuesday, the four days of that week are counted, the weekend is skipped, and then the five days of the following week are counted. The 10th class day would be the next Monday.) Check with the Business Office for Workforce or Community Service class as they often differ.

Members of the military who receive orders that transfer them out of the area for a prolonged period may, when such transfer interferes with class attendance, request a full refund at any time during the semester. If a refund is due any student receiving financial aid under any Title IV Student Financial Aid program, other than College Work Study, a portion of the refund shall be returned to the Title IV program.
The amount of the refund shall be multiplied by the following fraction to determine the portion of the refund to be returned to the Title IV program(s):

Total amount of Title IV aid (minus work earnings) awarded for payment period divided by total amount of aid (minus work earnings) awarded for payment period

Refunds due the Title IV program shall be reimbursed to the Pell Student Aid Account. A pro rata refund based on the total length of course will apply to students who are veterans and to other eligible persons.